Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Super Mario Bros. Sutra 1

1. The Kingdom of God can be likened to Mario, Luiji, Toad, or the Princess stepping into the Sub-con. It is here but not here, real but unreal.

2. Yea, the material world can be likened to a turtleshell caught bouncing between two pipes at either extreme for eternity.

3. The Raccoon ears are for hearing.

4. Better still, enlightenment can be likened to a turtleshell caught at the bottom of a small waterhole, bouncing now left, now right in an infinite loop. Above it all sits the fire-flower, undisturbed like the Buddha.

5. Look around you, the Tao is watching.

6. Yea, glory to the ineffable, who makes two not two, uniter of dualities, merger of left and right, above and below, male and female.

7. Mario, look around you, the player is watching.

8. The world is an airship controlled by a Koopa-Kid, can you avoid its bullets?

9. If the Sun becomes angry and attacks you, just hit it with a turtleshell like you would any other adversary.

10. Mario, your life is but a dream as you found in Mario 2.

11. Mario, you should know the Japanese do not even consider your second adventure as truly a Mario game. O the endless Dharma worlds!

12. The Japanese Mario 2 looks very much like the first Super Mario Bros.

13. Humanity is a Shyguy. What is behind your mask Shyguy?

14. Buddha consciousness can be likened to Mario's first arrival in World 4 - Bigland. The same old objects are seen from a new view that is actually old.

15. Finding the White Toadhouse is a power of your mind, as one needs to collect a fixed number of gold coins for its appearance.

16. Toad said to Mario: "Mario, what is a plumber?" Mario replied to Toad "One who fears not entering a pipe-zone knowing the Mushroom Kingdom is close at hand".

17. Once when Mario was travelling through World 7, Pipe-maze, he said "Oh, Daisy, to be stuck inside of the Mushroomland with the Brooklyn blues again".

18. The conspicuous absense of question mark blocks in Mario 2 should be plain enough evidence for anyone that it is actually not a real Mario game.

19. The fact that Mario 2 was originally not actually a Mario game makes it one of the more interesting Mario games. O glory to the hundred thousand Dharma worlds.

20. Toad, what burning hot coal is yours that even you feel the need to smite Wart with that brazenly steamed Turnip?

21. The Princess asked Mario: "Have you ever left the Sub-con with a dream coin stuck to your head Mario? I have".

22. Like Inanna-Ishtar's ascent from the Netherworld in which she recovers a garment robbed of her at each of the 7 celestial abodes in every world Mario recovers a magic wand that was stolen from the Princess's vassels and recieves an enchanted imperial letter bejeweled with a useful item.

23. Like Gilgamesh Mario descends to the bottom of the sea in part one of level 3 to retrieve the seed of power; yea the fire flower. Verily, now he can shoot fire even under water.

24. Star, Star, Star, 3-2, the way is easy to follow. Avoid boss bass, you he will never swallow.

25. Christ-consciousness is like utilizing the goomba-pipe on 1-2. Even 99 lives in one level is possible here.

26. Entrance into the outer-realm can be likened to Raccoon Mario reaching the greatest heights only to find a ceiling of bricks. In some spots they are breakable. In some spots they are unbreakable. Find the rooms above the breakable bricks for therein are hidden 1-ups, Tanookis, and Hammer-brother suits.

27. Mario's recovery of the Princess is a parable for the redemption of the soul. Mario passes through 7 Worlds controlled by 7 Koopa-Kids, and finally penetrates the 8th realm, the sphere of Bowser, the Mind at the end of Mario 3, and the Tyrant tyrannizing the Mushroomland. Recovering the Princess Mario restores Indra's net changing the Mushroomland back into the Mushroom Kingdom.

28. The Princess laughed and said to Mario lovingly: "Mario, no matter how many times you collect the 28 P-wings you are still just a plumber in Mushroom Land".

copyright 2007, JCF

1 comment:

Unknown said...

pure genius -- this is wonderful